Saturday, August 31, 2024

Prestigious Plants - Cladistic Index


    We provide here a complete picture of our compiled plant notes taxonomically by cladistics, providing an easy-to-navigate index of my summary of plant materials and a clear roadmap of the scope of this work.

    For those interested in the broad-strokes of plant symbolism and iconography, we direct you to the first three articles of the Prestigious Plants series:

    There are two broad categories this research falls into:
  • Moss, Lichen, and Fungi
  • Tracheophytes (All vascular plants)

    We have no desire to attempt the confusing world of moss, lichen, and fungi taxonomy, so here is the limited set of fungi we have opted to include in our research. The world of plants demands too much of our attention already for us to justify branching out into the topic of these reagents with any great depth.

    Moss is regarded in its entirety in a single article (not including vascular plants with “moss” in their name, like clubmosses and spikemosses), which it shares with lichen by habit.

    There are two lichen genera we are willing to investigate:
  • Lobaria
  • Usnea

    For convenience, these two lichen genera will be lumped together in a single article with mosses.

    The fungi genera we set aside for our already stretched attention are:
  • Amanita
  • Claviceps (Ergot)
  • Exidia (Fairy Butter)
  • Ganoderma (Shelf Mushroom/Bracket Fugus)
  • Hericum (Lion’s Mane)
  • Inonotus (Chaga)
  • Trametes (Turkey Tail)
  • Truffle (Not a genus, but too influential not to include)

    All vascular plants (or “higher plants”) fall into the division Tracheophytes, which covers the overwhelming majority of our plant research. These fall into two classes:
  • Lycopodiopsida
  • Euphyllophytes

    The class of Lycopodiopsida are called clubmosses, firmosses, quillworts, and spikemosses. We regard four genera within this class as worth our time and attention:
  • Lycopodiales
  • Isoetales
  • Selaginellales

    Euphyllophytes are an unranked clade of vascular plants characterized by possessing true leaves. They fall into two lineages:

    Ferns are a distinct group of primitive vascular plants characterized by their coiling growths that unfurl into fronds and their spore-based reproduction. Ferns, as a class, warrant their own article, as well as articles for:

    Spermatophytes encompass all seed-bearing plants and are by far the most extensive and most culturally consequential lineage of plants. These fall into two clades:
  • Angiosperms (Flowering Plants)
  • Gymnosperms (Conifers, Cycads, Ginkgo, and Gnetophytes)

    Angiosperms are plants that bear flowers and fruit; their name is derived from the Greek for “vessel seed.” They are the most diverse group of land plants.

    This lineage has been cladistically divided into:
  • Basal Angiosperms
  • Core Angiosperms

Basal Angiosperms
    Basal angiosperms are a small lineage and can be quickly summarized into three relevant genera:

  • Nymphaeales
    • Nymphaeaceae
      • Euryale (Gorgon Plant)
      • Nuphar (Water Lily)
      • Nymphaea (Water Lily)

Core Angiosperms
    Three clades define core Angiosperms:
  • Eudicots
  • Magnoliids
  • Monocots

    Eudicots fall into two clades:
  • Basal Eudicots
  • Core Eudicots

    Relevant to this project, basal eudicots have three orders, six families, and 24 genera:
  • Buxales
    • Buxaceae
      • Buxus (Box Wood)
  • Proteales
    • Nelumbonaceae
      • Nelumbo (Lotus)
    • Platanaceae
      • Platanus (Plane Tree)
  • Ranunculales
    • Berberidaceae
      • Berberis (Barberry)
    • Lardizabalaceae
      • Akebia (Akebi)
      • Decaisnea (Dead Man’s Fingers)
    • Papaveraceae
      • Chelidonium (Celandine)
      • Fumaria (Fumitory)
      • Glaucium (Horned Poppy)
      • Lamprocapnos (Bleeding Heart)
      • Meconopsis (Welsh Poppy)
      • Papaver (Poppy)
    • Ranunculaceae
      • Aconitum (Wolfsbane)
      • Adonis
      • Anemone
      • Aquilegia (Columbine)
      • Clematis
      • Consolida (Larkspur)
      • Coptis (Goldthread)
      • Delphinium (Larkspur)
      • Ficaria (Fig Buttercup)
      • Helleborus (Hellebore)
      • Hepatica (Liverwort)
      • Nigella (Love-in-a-Mist)
      • Pulsatilla (Pasque Flower)
      • Ranunculus (Buttercup)

    Core Eudicots fall into two lineages:
  • Superasterids
  • Superrosids

    The superasterid lineage contains three heterogeneous orders, and the monophyletic clade the Asterids:
    • Berberidopsidales (Native to the New World and Australia, therefore out of the scope of our research)
    • Caryophyllales
      • Amaranthaceae
        • Achyranthes (Chaff Flower)
        • Amaranthus (Amaranth)
        • Bassia (Ragweed)
        • Beta (Beet)
        • Blitum (Goosefoot)
        • Celosia (Cockscomb)
        • Chenopodium (Goosefoot)
        • Kali (Tumbleweed)
        • Oxybasis (Goosefoot)
        • Salicornia (Glasswort)
      • Caryophyllaceae
        • Arnearia (Sandwort)
        • Dianthus (Carnation)
        • Gypsophilia (Baby’s Breath)
        • Rabelera (Greater Stitchwort)
        • Silene (Campion/Catchfly)
        • Spergula (Spurrey)
        • Spergularia (Sand-Spurrey/Sea-Spurrey)
        • Stellaria (Stitchwort)
        • Viscaria
      • Plumbaginaceae
        • Acantholimon (Prickly Thrift)
        • Armeria (Lady’s Cushion)
        • Ceratostigma (Leadwort)
        • Goniolimon (Statice)
        • Limoniastrum
        • Limonium (Caspia)
        • Plumbago (Leadwort)
      • Polygonaceae
        • Bistorta (Bistort)
        • Persicaria (Smartweed)
        • Rheum (Rhubarb)
        • Rumex (Sorrel/Dock)
      • Portulacaceae
        • Portulaca (Purslane)
      • Tamaricaceae
        • Tamarix (Tamarisk)
    • Santantales
      • Santalaceae
      • Osyris (African Sandalwood)
      • Santalum (Sandalwood)
      • Viscum (Mistletoe)
  • Asterids

    Asterid taxa include:
        • Cornales
          • Cornaceae
            • Cornus (Dogwood)
          • Hydraneaceae
            • Hydrangea
            • Philadelphus (Mock Orange)
        • Ericales
          • Balsaminaceae
            • Impatiens (Balsam)
          • Ebenaceae
            • Diospyros (Ebony/Persimmon)
          • Ericaceae
            • Arbutus
            • Arctostaphylos (Bearberry)
            • Calluna (Heather/Heath)
            • Cassiope (Heather/Heath)
            • Empetrum (Crowberry)
            • Erica (Heather/Heath)
            • Phyllodoce (Mountain Heath)
            • Rhododendron
            • Vaccinium (Bilberry)
          • Polemoniaceae
            • Polemonium (Jacob’s Ladder)
          • Primulaceae
            • Anagallis (Pimpernell)
            • Cyclamen
            • Lysimachia (Loosestrife)
            • Primula (Primrose)
          • Styracaceae
            • Styrax
          • Theaceae
            • Camellia (Tea)
  • Euasterids
    • Campanulids
      • Apiales
        • Apiaceae/Umbelliferae
          • Aegopodium (Bishop’s Weed)
          • Ammi (False Bishop’s Weed)
          • Anethum (Dill)
          • Angelica
          • Anthriscus (Chervil)
          • Apium (Celery)
          • Cicuta (Water Hemlock)
          • Conium (Hemlock)
          • Coriandrum (Coriander)
          • Cryptotaenia (Honeywort)
          • Cuminum (Cumin)
          • Daucus
          • Eryngium (Seal Holly)
          • Ferula (Fennel)
          • Foeniculum (Fennel)
          • Heracleum (Cow Parsnip/Hogweed)
          • Levisticum (Lovage)
          • Ligusticum (Liqourice Root)
          • Oenanthe (Water Dropwort)
          • Opoponax
          • Pastinaca (Parsnip)
          • Petroselinum (Parsely)
          • Pimpinella (Burnet-Saxifrage)
          • Sanicula (Sanicle/Black Snakeroot)
        • Araliaceae
          • Hedera (Ivy)
          • Panax (Ginseng)
      • Aquifoliales
        • Aquifoliaceae
          • Ilex (Holly)
      • Asterales
        • Asteraceae/Compositae
          • Achillea (Yarrow)
          • Amberboa (Sweet Sultan)
          • Anacyclus (Pellitory)
          • Arctanthemum
          • Arctium (Burdock)
          • Arnica (Leopard’s Bane)
          • Artemisia
          • Aster
          • Atractylodes
          • Bellis (Daisy)
          • Buphthalmum (Ox Eye)
          • Calendula (Marigold)
          • Carduus (Plumeless Thistle)
          • Carlina (Carline Thistle)
          • Carthamus (Distaff Thistle)
          • Centaurea (Cornflower)
          • Chamaeleon (Distaff Thistle)
          • Chamaemelum (Chamomile)
          • Chicorum (Chicory)
          • Chrysanthemum
          • Cirsium (Plume Thistle)
          • Cnicus (St. Benedict’s Thistle)
          • Crepis (Hawksbeard)
          • Cynara (Artichoke)
          • Doronicum (Leopard's Bane)
          • Echinops (Globe Thistle)
          • Eupatorium (Snakeroot)
          • Glebionis (Daisy)
          • Gnaphalium (Cudweed)
          • Helichrysum (Cudweed)
          • Hieracium (Hawkweed)
          • Inula (Fleabane)
          • Ismelia (Tricolor Daisy)
          • Jacobaea (Ragwort)
          • Lactuca (Lettuce)
          • Leontopodium (Edelweiss)
          • Leucanthemum (Daisy)
          • Matricaria (Chamomile)
          • Notobasis (Syrian Thistle)
          • Omalotheca (Arctic Cudweed)
          • Onopordum (Cottonthistle)
          • Osteospermum (African Daisy)
          • Pluchea (Fleabane)
          • Pulicaria (Fleabane)
          • Scolymus (Oyster Thistle)
          • Senecio (Ragwort)
          • Silybum (Milk Thistle)
          • Solidago (Goldenrod)
          • Sonchus (Sow Thistle)
          • Tanacetum (Tansy)
          • Taraxacum (Dandelion)
          • Tephroseris (Field Fleawort)
          • Tussilago (Coltsfoot)
          • Xanthium (Clotbur)
        • Calycanthaceae
          • Calycanthus (Chinese Sweetshrub)
          • Chimonanthus (Wintersweet)
        • Campanulaceae
          • Campanula (Bellflower)
          • Favratia (Crimped Bellflower)
          • Legousia (Venus’s Looking Glass)
          • Lobelia
        • Menyanthaceae
          • Mentyanthes (Buckbean)
          • Nymphoides (Floating Heart)
      • Dipsacales
        • Adoxaceae
          • Adoxa (Moschatel)
          • Sambucus (Elder)
          • Viburnum
        • Caprifoliaceae
          • Dipsacus (Teasel)
          • Lonicera (Honeysuckle)
          • Nardostachys (Nard)
          • Scabiosa (Scabious)
          • Succisia (Devil’s Bit Scabious)
          • Valerian
          • Valerianella (Corn Salad)
    • Lamiids
      • Boraginales
        • Boraginaceae
          • Alkanna (Alkanet)
          • Anchusa (Bugloss)
          • Borago (Borage)
          • Cerinthe (Honeywort)
          • Cordia (Manjack)
          • Cynoglossum (Hound’s Tongue)
          • Echium
          • Glandora
          • Lappula (Stickseed)
          • Lithodora (Stone Gift)
          • Myosotis (Forget-Me-Not)
          • Nonea (Monkswort)
          • Omphalodes (Navelwort)
          • Pentaglottis (Five Tongues)
          • Pulmonaria (Lungwort)
          • Symphytum (Comfrey)
        • Helioptropiaceae
          • Heliotropium (Heliotrope)
      • Gentiales
        • Apocynaceae
          • Apocynum (Dogbane)
          • Calotropis (Apple of Sodom)
          • Cionura (Dogbane)
          • Hoya (Waxflower)
          • Nerium (Oleander)
          • Tabernanthe (Iboga)
          • Vinca (Periwinkle)
        • Gentianaceae
          • Gentiana (Gentian)
        • Rubiaceae
          • Asperula (Woodruff)
          • Coffea (Coffee)
          • Coryanthe (Yohimbe)
          • Galium (Bedstraw)
          • Gardenia
          • Rubia (Madder)
      • Lamiales
        • Acanthaceae
          • Acanthus (Spikeflower)
          • Justicia
          • Thunbergia
        • Bignoniaceae
          • Campsis (Trumpet Vine)
          • Dolichandrone (Mangrove Trumpet Tree)
          • Incarvillea (Chinese Trumpet Flower)
          • Oroxylum (Indian Trumpet Flower)
        • Lamiaceae/Labiatae
          • Ajuga (Bugleweed)
          • Ballota (Horehound)
          • Betonica (Betony)
          • Glechoma (Ground-Ivy)
          • Hyssopus (Hyssop)
          • Lamium (Dead-Nettle)
          • Lavandula (Lavender)
          • Leonurus (Motherwort)
          • Lycopus (Bugleweed)
          • Marrubium (Horehound)
          • Melissa (Balm)
          • Mentha (Mint)
          • Ocimum (Basil)
          • Origanum (Oregano)
          • Pogostemon (Patchouli)
          • Pseudodictamnus (Horehound)
          • Salvia (Sage)
          • Satureja (Savory)
          • Scutellaria (Skullcap)
          • Stachys (Betony)
          • Teucrium (Germander)
          • Thymus (Thyme)
          • Volkameria
        • Olaceae
          • Chrysojasminum (Yellow Jasmine)
          • Forsythia (Easter Tree)
          • Jasminum (Jasmine)
          • Fraxinus (Ash)
          • Ligustrum (Privet)
          • Olea (Olive)
          • Syringa (Lilac)
        • Orobanchaceae
          • Euphrasia (Eyebright)
          • Rehmannia (Chinese Foxglove)
        • Paulowniaceae
          • Paulownia (Dragoon Tree)
        • Plantaginaceae
          • Antirrhinum (Snapdragon)
          • Cymbalaria (Toadflax)
          • Digitalis (Foxglove)
          • Globularia (Globe Daisy)
          • Plantago (Plantain)
          • Veronica (Speedwell)
        • Scrophulariaceae
          • Scrophularia (Figwort)
          • Verbascum (Mullein)
        • Verbenaceae
          • Vebena (Vervain)
      • Solanales
        • Colvulvulaceae
          • Convulvulus (Morning Glory)
          • Cuscuta (Dodder)
          • Ipomoea (Sweet Potato)
        • Solanaceae
          • Atropa (Belladonna)
          • Datura
          • Hyoscyamus (Henbane)
          • Lycium (Wolfberry)
          • Mandragora (Mandrake)
          • Solanum (Eggplant/Woody Nightshade)
          • Withania

    Relevant to our research, Superrosids contain the order Saxifragales, and the Rosid clade, which is divided between the Vitales order and the Eurosid lineage:
      • Saxifragales
        • Crassulaceae
          • Hylotelephium (Stonecrop)
          • Rhodiola (Stonecrop)
          • Sedum (Stonecrop)
          • Sempervivum (Houseleek)
        • Grossularicieae
          • Ribes (Currant)
        • Paeoniceae
          • Paeonia (Peony)
        • Saxifragaceae
          • Saxifrage
  • Rosids
      • Vitales
        • Vitaceae
          • Vitis (Grape)
    • Eurosids

    Eurosids fall into two relevant lineages: 
  • Fabids
  • Malvids

    Fabids include the following orders:
  • Celastrales
    • Celastraceae
      • Euonymus (Spindle Tree)
  • Cucurbitales
    • Begoniaceae
      • Begonia
    • Cucurbitaceae
      • Bryonia (Bryony)
      • Citrullus (Citron)
      • Cucumis (Cucumber)
      • Lagenaria (Calabash)
  • Fabales
    • Fabaceae
      • Adenanthera (Coral Wood)
      • Astragalus (Milkvetch)
      • Bauhinia
      • Butea (Dhak Tree)
      • Ceratonia
      • Cercis (Redbud)
      • Cicer (Chickpea)
      • Galega (Goat’s Rue)
      • Glycine (Soy)
      • Glycyrrhiza (Liquorice)
      • Indigeofera (Indigo)
      • Lathyrus (Peavine)
      • Lotus (Birdsfoot Trefoil)
      • Medicago (Medick)
      • Mimosa
      • Onobrychis (Sainfoins)
      • Pisum (Pea)
      • Pueraria (Kudzu)
      • Senegalia (Acacia)
      • Trifolium (Clover)
      • Ulex (Furze)
      • Vachellia (Acacia)
      • Vicia (Lentil/Vetch)
      • Vigna
      • Wisteria
      • Genisteae (Broom)
        • Adenocarpus (Broom)
        • Argyrocytisus (Moroccan Broom)
        • Cytisus (Broom)
        • Genista (Broom)
        • Laburnum (Golden Chain)
        • Lupinus (Bluebonnet)
        • Spartium (Rush Broom)
    • Polygalaceae
      • Polygala (Milkwort)
  • Fagales
    • Betulaceae
      • Alnus (Alder)
      • Betula (Birch)
      • Carpinus (Hornbeam)
      • Corylus (Hazel)
    • Fagaceae
      • Castanea (Chestnut)
      • Fagus (Beech)
      • Lithocarpus (Stone Oak)
      • Quercus (Oak)
    • Juglandaceae
      • Juglans (Walnut)
  • Malpighiales
    • Euphorbiaceae
      • Chrozophora (Turnsole)
      • Euphorbia (Spurge)
      • Mercurialis (Mercury)
    • Hypericaceae
      • Hypericum (St. John’s Wort)
    • Linaceae
      • Linum (Flax)
    • Phyllanthaceae
      • Phyllanthus (Myrobalan)
    • Salicaceae
      • Populus (Poplar)
      • Salix (Willow)
    • Violaceae
      • Viola (Violet)
  • Rosales
    • Cannabaceae
      • Cannabis
      • Celtis (Hackberry)
      • Humulus (Hop)
    • Moraceae
      • Afromorus (African Mulberry)
      • Antiaris (Upas Tree)
      • Ficus (Fig)
      • Morus (Mulberry)
    • Rhamnaceae
      • Frangula (Alder Buckthorn)
      • Paliurus (Christ’s Thorn)
      • Rhamnus (Buckthorn)
      • Ziziphus (Jujube)
    • Rosaceae
      • Alchemilla (Lady’s Mantle)
      • Agrimonia (Agrimony)
      • Comarum (Swamp Cinquefoil)
      • Crataegus (Hawthorn)
      • Cydonia (Quince)
      • Filipendula (Dropwort)
      • Fragaria (Strawberry)
      • Malus (Apple)
      • Mespilus (Medlar)
      • Potentilla (Cinquefoil)
      • Prunus (Almond, Apricot, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Plum)
      • Pyracantha (Firethorn)
      • Pyrus (Pear)
      • Raphiolepis (Asian Hawthorn)
      • Rosa (Rose)
      • Rubus (Blackberry)
      • Sorbus (Rowan/Mountain Ash)
      • Spiraea (Meadowsweet)
    • Ulmaceae
      • Ulmus (Elm)
    • Urticaceae
      • Soleirolia (Angel’s Tears)
      • Urtica (Nettle)

    Malvids include the following orders:
  • Brassicales
    • Brassicaceae
      • Alyssum (Madwort)
      • Anastatica (Rose of Jericho)
      • Arabidopsis (Rockcress)
      • Arabis (Rockcress)
      • Armorica (Horseradish)
      • Barbarea (Winter Cress)
      • Brassica (Cabbage, Mustard)
      • Capsella (Peppergrass)
      • Cardamine (Bittercress)
      • Draba (Nailwort)
      • Eruca (Arugula)
      • Erysimum (Wallflower)
      • Hesperis
      • Iberis (Candytuft)
      • Lepidium (Peppercress)
      • Lunaria (Moonwort)
      • Matthiola (Stock)
      • Nasturtium
      • Raphanus (Radish)
      • Rorippa (Yellowcress)
      • Sinapis (Senvy)
    • Resedaceae
      • Reseda (Mignonette)
  • Crossosomatales
    • Staphyleaceae
      • Staphylea (Bladdernut)
  • Geraniales
    • Geraniaceae
      • Geranium (Cranesbill)
    • Melanthiaceae
      • Veratrum (False Hellebore)
  • Malvales
    • Cistaceae
      • Cistus (Rock Rose)
      • Halimium (False Sun Rose)
      • Helianthemum (Sun Rose)
    • Dipterocarpaceae
      • Shorea (Sal)
      • Malvaceae
      • Abelmoschus
      • Alcea (Hollyhock)
      • Althaea (Marsh Mallow)
      • Corchorus (Jute)
      • Gossypium (Cotton Plant)
      • Hibiscus
      • Malva (Mallow)
      • Tilia (Linden)
    • Thymelaeaceae
      • Daphne
  • Myrtales
    • Combretaceae
      • Terminalia (Bastard Myrobalan)
    • Lythraceae
      • Lagerstoemia (Crepe Myrtle)
      • Lawsonia (Henna)
      • Lythrum (Loosestrife)
      • Punica (Pomegranate)
      • Trapa (Water Caltrop)
    • Myrtaceae
      • Myrtus (Myrtle)
      • Syzygium (Cloves)
    • Onacraceae
      • Chamaenerion (Willowherb)
      • Circaea (Enchanter’s Nightshade)
      • Epilobium (Spike Primrose)
  • Sapindales
    • Anacardiaceae
      • Mangifera (Mango)
      • Pistachia (Pistachio/Mastic)
      • Sumac
      • Toxicodendron
    • Burseraceae
      • Boswellia (Frankincense)
      • Canarium
      • Commiphora (Myrrh)
    • Meliaceae
      • Melia (Pride of China)
    • Nitrariaceae
      • Peganum (Syrian Rue)
    • Rutaceae
      • Citrus
      • Dictamnus (White Dittany)
      • Ruta (Rue)
    • Sapindaceae
      • Acer (Maple)
      • Aesculus (Horse Chestnut)

    Magnolids fall into three orders:
  • Laurales
    • Lauraceae
      • Camphora (Camphor)
      • Cinnamomum (Cinnamon)
      • Laurus (Bay/Laurel)
      • Sassafras
      • Vitex (Chaste Tree)
  • Magnoliales
    • Annonaceae
      • Cananga (Ylang-Ylang)
    • Magnoliaceae
      • Liriodendron (Tulip Tree)
      • Magnolia
    • Myristicaceae
      • Myristica (Nutmeg)
  • Piperales
    • Aristolochiaceae
      • Aristolochia (Birthwort)
      • Asarum (Hazelwort/Wild Ginger)
    • Piperaceae
      • Piper (Pepper)

    Relevant to our research, Monocots include these clades and divisions:

      • Alismatales
        • Aracaceae
          • Arum
          • Arisaema
          • Calla (Calla Lily)
          • Dracunculus (Dragonwort)
          • Lemna (Duckweed)
      • Liliales
        • Colchicaceae
          • Colchicum (Autumn Crocus)
          • Gloriosa (Fire Lily)
        • Liliaceae
          • Fritillaria (Fritillary)
          • Lilium (Lily)
          • Tulipa (Wild Tulip)
        • Smilacaceae
          • Smilax
      • Asparagales
        • Amaryllidaceae
          • Allium (Chives, Garlic, Leek, Onion, Scallion, Shallot)
          • Amaryllis
          • Galanthus (Snowdrop)
          • Lycoris (Cluster Amaryllis)
          • Narcissus (Daffodil)
        • Asparagaceae
          • Asparagus
          • Convallaria (Lily of the Valley)
          • Dracaena (Dragon’s Blood)
          • Hyacinthoides (Bluebell)
          • Hyacinthus (Hyacinth)
          • Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)
          • Polygonatum (Solomon’s Seal)
        • Asphodelaceae
          • Aloe
          • Asphodelus (Asphodel)
          • Asphodeline
          • Eremurus (Desert Candle)
          • Hemerocallis (Day Lily)
        • Iridaceae
          • Crocus
          • Gladiolus
          • Iris
        • Orchidaceae
          • Cypripedioideae
            • Cypripedium (Slipper Orchid)
            • Paphiopedilum (Venus’s Slipper)
          • Epipendroideae
            • Arethuseae
              • Bletilla (Urn Orchid)
              • Coelogyne (Hollow-Woman Orchid)
              • Pleione (Peacock Orchid)
            • Collabieae
              • Acanthophippium (Spiny-Saddle Orchid)
              • Ancistrochilus (Hooklip Orchid)
              • Calanthe (Christmas Orchid)
              • Phaius (Swamp Orchid)
            • Cymbidieae
              • Cymbidiinae
                • Cymbidium (Boat Orchid)
                • Grammatophyllum (Queen of the Orchids)
              • Eulophiinae
                • Ansellia (Leopard Orchid)
                • Eulophia (Corduroy Orchid)
            • Dendrobiinae
              • Bulbophyllum (Bulbleaf Orchid)
              • Dendrobium (Tree of Life Orchid)
            • Epidendreae
              • Calypso (Calypso Orchid)
            • Malaxideae
              • Liparis (Widelip Orchid)
            • Neottieae
              • Epipactis (Helleborine)
            • Vandeae
              • Aeridinae
                • Aerides (Cattail Orchid)
                • Arachnis (Spider/Scorpion Orchid)
                • Chiloschista (Starfish Orchid)
                • Cleisostoma (Closed-Mouth Orchid)
                • Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid)
                • Pomatocalpa (Bladder Orchid)
                • Thrixspermum (Hairseed)
                • Trichoglottis (Cherub Orchid)
                • Vanda
              • Angraecinae
                • Aerangis (Air-Urn Orchid)
                • Angraecum (Angrec Orchid)
          • Orchidoideae
            • Cranichideae
              • Spiranthes (Lady’s Tress)
              • Zeuxine (Verdant Jewel Orchid)
            • Orchidinae
              • Anacamptis (Ant Orchid)
              • Bartholina (Spider Orchid)
              • Dactylorhiza (Marsh Orchid)
              • Gymnadenia (Fragrant Orchid)
              • Himantoglossum (Lizard Orchid)
              • Ophrys (Bee Orchid)
              • Orchis (Orchid)
              • Platanthera (Butterfly Orchid)
              • Serapias (Tongue Orchid)
    • Commelinids
      • Arecales
        • Arecaceae
        • Areca (Palm)
        • Phoenix (Date)
      • Poales
        • Cyperaceae
          • Actinoscirpus (Bulrush)
          • Carex (True Sedge)
          • Cyperus (Sedge)
          • Eriophorum (Cottongrass)
          • Scirpus (Clubrush)
          • Trichophorum (Deergrass)
          • Juncaceae
          • Rushes (Multi-genera)
        • Poaceae
          • Alopecurus (Foxtail Grass)
          • Anthoxanthum (Vernal Grass)
          • Arundo (Giant Cane)
          • Avena (Oat)
          • Bamboo (Multi-genera)
          • Briza (Quaking Grass)
          • Bromus (Brome Grass)
          • Calamagrostis (Reedgrass)
          • Elymus (Couch Grass)
          • Glyceria (Sweetgrass)
          • Hordeum (Barley)
          • Lolium (Rye Grass)
          • Neyraudia (Cane Grass)
          • Oryza (Rice)
          • Phalaris (Canary Grass)
          • Phragmites (Reed)
          • Saccharum (Sugar Cane)
          • Triticum (Wheat)
        • Typhaceae
          • Sparganium (Bur-Reed)
          • Typha (Bulrush)
      • Zingiberales
        • Zingiberaceae
          • Alpinia (Shell Ginger)
          • Amomum (Black Cardamom)
          • Curcuma (Turmeric)
          • Elettaria (Cardamom)
          • Hedychuim (Ginger Lily)
          • Zingiber (Ginger)

    “Gymnosperm” comes from the composite Greek for “naked seed,” in contrast to the ovule-enclosed angiosperms. These seeds form in scales on leaves, cones, or singularly (in the case of yew). 

    They do not have significant enough features to warrant a clade article, but their divisions are of great note, down to the genera:
  • Pinophyta (Conifers)
    • Pinales
      • Cupressaceae
        • Cupressus (Cypress)
        • Juniperus (Juniper)
      • Pinaceae
        • Abies (Fir)
        • Cedrus (Cedar)
        • Cryptomeria (Japanese Cedar)
        • Larix (Larch)
        • Picea (Spruce)
        • Pinus (Pine)
      • Taxaceae
        • Taxus (Yew)
  • Ginkgoopsida
    • Ginkgoales
      • Ginkgoaceae
        • Ginkgo
  • Gnetophyta
    • Ephedrales
      • Ephedraceae
        • Ephedra

* * * * * * *

See Also:

  • Animal Index [Pending]
  • Elements Index [Pending]
  • Gemstone Index [Pending]
  • Tools Index [Pending]

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